Outbound Mexico

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

The present document constitutes the Privacy Notice for the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (the “LFPDP”) and the conditions that emanate from it or are related to it. This Privacy Notice (hereinafter referred to as “Notice”) applies to the personal information collected by Outbound México (Miguel Ángel León Urzúa and Mauricio Andrés Peña Barrena) in their capacity of “Responsible”.


The Responsible Party collects information that can reasonably identify you, by way of example, but not limited to:
● Identification data: name, home address, date and place of birth, birth certificate, nationality, CURP, telephone number (landline or mobile), fax, e-mail.
● Academic data: such as curriculum vitae, professional degree,
professional license, certificates.
● Employment data: such as position, address, e-mail, and telephone number (either landline or mobile).
● Billing data: such as the name of the individual or legal entity to be billed.
● Billing data: such as the name of the individual or legal entity that will be billed for the contracted service or product, fiscal address, RFC.
● Financial data: such as bank account information and payment methods.
● Property data: such as information regarding movable and immovable property, deeds, and real estate, articles of incorporation, assets, liabilities.
● Information about your spouse, heirs, legatees and beneficiaries.
● Official receipts that prove your identity and personality.
of the information you disclose.


The collection of personal data may be carried out for example:
● through emails and meetings we hold with you on a personal basis.
● when you communicate via telephone with us.
● through the use of the Responsible Party’s websites.
● through the use of automated data capture tools.
● through direct collection
● through publicly available sources and from other sources
commercially available sources

  1. All of the information we collect about you may be combined to help us tailor our communications to you and to determine new or enhanced services based on your needs and preferences.
  2. We may also register you to receive information of interest or send you newsletters, evaluate the quality of our service, or provide you with the legal services and products that you decide to hire.
  3. The information and personal data used in the case of the provision of services and legal products contracted will be used only to notify you of the status of the matter.
  4. Your personal information and data could be used for purposes other than those mentioned above or included in the Privacy Notice, as long as such purposes are compatible with those already described and may be considered analogous.


Examples of the purposes of the information we collect include the following are:
● We use the information we collect to provide you with and
provide you with the services you request, inform you about other services offered by the Responsible Party, and administer our sites and services.
● Also to conduct studies on demographic data, interests, and behavior; market research and consumer studies to acquire and offer customized products and services, as well as more advertising and content
● To formalize the contractual process.
● To formalize the contractual process with customers, consumers, suppliers, and other third parties, as well as to manage services and commercial relationships with suppliers and other third parties with whom we deal.


Outbound México will not transfer, sell, give, provide, or sell your data to third parties without your consent.
However, Outbound may transfer such data as long as it is foreseen by the present assumptions in any of the cases of article 37 of the Law.

If you do not express your objection to the transfer of your personal data, it will be understood that you have granted your consent to do so.


For any communication about our Privacy Notice, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Personal Data Department.


+52 1 442 463 3315
+52 1 33 1584 3565


If you express your consent to the processing of your sensitive Personal Data as well as financial and patrimonial data, the Data Controller undertakes not to process this Personal Data for purposes other than those established in this Privacy Notice.
You have the right to access your Personal Data in our possession and the details of its processing, as well as the right to rectify it in case of being
inaccurate or incomplete, or cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice, or are being used for non-consensual purposes, or if the contractual or the service relationship has ended, or to oppose the processing of the same for specific purposes (hereinafter, the “ARCO Rights” access, rectification and “ARCO Rights”; access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition).

For the reception, registration, and attention of requests to exercise your right to access, rectify, cancel, and oppose your Personal Data, as well as to limit the use or disclosure of them, and the other rights provided for in the LFPDP, contact the area in charge of the treatment of personal data, by e-mail addressed to contact@outboundmx.com, giving the corresponding follow-up to your request within a maximum period of 10 (ten) business days. If you want your personal data to be removed from all our databases, please send an email to the indicated address, with the subject “Unsubscribe”.

The request you submit for the exercise of ARCO Rights should please indicate your name and the address or e-mail address where you would like to receive all information related to the procedure, in addition to being accompanied by the document(s) with which your identity or the personality of your legal representative is accredited. Likewise, please include a clear and precise description of the data you seek to exercise any of the ARCO Rights and any other element that will allow us to identify or locate the Personal Data in question.

In the case of “rectification” of your Personal Data, you must also tell us what the exact modification you are seeking to make is and submit the documentation that supports the request. Additionally, for your protection and benefit, we may request additional documentation that allows us to fully identify the Personal Data you wish to access, rectify and/or cancel or those regarding which you want to object to their processing.

The Responsible shall ensure that the Personal Data contained in the databases are pertinent, correct, and updated for the purposes for which they were collected, and when they are no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which they were collected, they shall be canceled.
In addition to the foregoing, the Responsible may not be able to cancel or block your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the Law. Upon receipt of your complete and duly integrated request, the Responsible will communicate the corresponding response within a maximum period of 10 business days.

If appropriate, within the following ten business days, you will be able to the requested right. If the Responsible Party must deliver documentation as a result of the exercised right, it will do so through copies that will be sent to you by email or will make them available to you at the address indicated for that purpose within the aforementioned period, so that you can pick them up directly or through a third party empowered employing a power of attorney.

You may, at any time, revoke the consent you have given us to prevent all or part of processing your Personal Data. However, it is essential to note that not in all cases we can meet your request or terminate the use immediately since it is possible that due to some legal obligation, the Responsible may be required to continue processing your Personal Data.

You should also consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent means that we will no longer be able to provide you with the requested service and/or attention requested, or the termination of your relationship with the Responsible.

The Responsible Party will notify you of the corresponding resolution to your request within 10 working days following the submission of your request, provided that it is complete and properly integrated. In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, you can register in the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is in charge of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (PROFECO).

Outbound Mexico reserves the right to periodically update this Notice to reflect changes in our information practices.

It is the responsibility of the Holder to periodically review the content of the Notice on the site www.outboundmx.com where the changes made will be published together with the date of the last update.

Updated 02/21/2023

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